
Bowling for Columbine is a heartfelt and emotional triumph of a documentary for anyone who cannot stand the violent moments in history that has been the result of firearms and nuclear weapons. Gun violence in America is one of the controlling factors that has been consistent in tearing this country apart to the point where our children are killing other children. This is not only something very real and horrific, but is what is slowly shaping our country into something to be truly afraid and terrified of. This is a very thought provoking and emotional issue that I will be discussing in the following exhibit. In the following exhibit I will be discussing the issue of gun violence and the effect it has on the public, media, and around the globe.

The exhibit is broken down into the three following sections:

1. Issues surrounding Chalton Heston and his stance on gun violence.

2. Marilyn Manson's stance and public image, and if or not it relates to gun violence and massacres in America.

3. Gun Violence in America

This exhibit is meant to test your thinking and offer a broad overview on gun violence/gun control. Please keep an open mind because this is a serious issue and enjoy.